Pa amb Oli Band are into their 32 year together, with the original line-up + Brendan McCann on lead guitar, Jordi Ramone, who's been our drummer for about 20 years, ( a relative newcomer ! ) Juan Graves ( Johny Caprini ) on rhythm guitar, and Tomás Graves
( Tommy Tombs ) on bass. We rarely rehearse. A telepathic understanding serves us well. The great thing is, we just get better and better, and have even more fun in the process. juan reckons we're gonna peak in 10/15 years. By which time we'll be billed as 'The Petrified Pams' ! We're usually billed as 'The Most Famous Unknown Band in The World. But for the last year we're known as 'The 2nd Most Famous band in The World' . " So who's the 1st ? ". I say, " I don't know, we can't find them ." We've got a lot of bookings coming up for the summer , especially in June. We play the Deia Fiestas on the 19th. I'll post the other dates as they come along. You can read about us in Tomás' book,'Tuning Up At Dawn', an entertaining and informative 'memoir of music and Mallorca'. So many incredible scenes over the years. Us playing with so many famous gifted musicians. The late great Ollie halsall was our drummer in the mid 80s for 3 or 4 years. He said we were a half-arsed pop band , and that we had it all. Forever 'bubbling under', with all the enthusiasm and excitement that anonymity preserves. I'll write more as the memories surface and re-surface, bobbing around like a cork on the ocean ........................................
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