Between 1981 and 1985, i visited 'Canellun', Robert and Beryl's home on the outskirts of Deia.
I usually went there every Wednesday morning, as Beryl made the family shopping excursion to Palma. The house was quiet, with only a nurse close by . No music, no T.V. or radio to distract from the profundity of the occasion. In Robert's final years he would invariably languish, in a comfortable chair, either sleeping or gazing at nothing in particular. In short, a perfect model.
In all i made between 400 and 500 drawings, mostly in pencil, and occasionally in pastel .
I only ever exhibited a small selection at the Chelsea Arts Club in London, which Roger McGough and Brian Patten organised for me. The rest i have in my studio in Deia, where i occasionally show them to admirers or friends of Robert's from way back when............
The large oil painting of Robert was made after a photo ( Toby Molenar ). I changed some details, and added sky and moon for dramatic effect. It is currently hanging in the El Olivo Restaurant, Hotel La Residencia , in Deia. ( The work is now for sale : 195 cms x 146 )
Top : oil painting of Robert ( from photograph taken at La Cala Deia ) , age. approximately 80 ) accompanied by his former self, age 8years . I toyed with the image of multiple Roberts. , filling the cala , and receding into infinity, but then decided it would be too much !
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