I have always admired the artistic (as well as musical) talent of David Templeton, and over the years David has done a number of paintings for us which hang in our homes in England and in Deia. I myself have always loved art and when I was a boy enjoyed both drawing and painting but since then with education careers and family I have rarely picked up a pencil and never a brush. I am now 52 so in May I decided to ask David if he would give me a few lessons. I had no idea this was something he did. We had a great time, one I would truly recommend.
I had a few ideas of what I wanted to do, particularly I was keen to work in oil and as I am a big Rolling Stones fan I firstly wanted to do a picture of a grungy “Mick”, we began learning how to go about drawing facial characteristics using various techniques to capture expressions and likeness. Something to practice, art is definitely a skill you can develop and the more you practice the better you get. We then moved on to begin painting, where to start, how to mix colour and importantly how to build up the painting as you go along and bring it to life. David also shared with me a few cheats like using Q tips and kitchen rolls.
David’s teaching technique has you painting your picture whilst he does another identical one alongside you. Thus showing you how he goes about each step with you then following with yours, the challenge being that when finished, you try and ensure yours is better than his. I told David a quote of Leonardo Da Vinci “wretched is the pupil who does not go on to surpass his master”
The lessons passed very quickly, helped I must say by a glass or two of wine and with some great music playing in the background. David is a master story teller and it was most enjoyable listening to him whilst trying to concentrate on the details of my pictures.
To me David is the true Deia artist, a very talented fellow and great fun to be with. If you are looking to unwind, and relax over a few days in this beautiful village and to forget and take time out from your day to day, or perhaps find a new hobby or talent you did not know you have, give David a try. I would recommend him.
Finally have a look at Laurel and Hardy and see if you can decide which one is David’s and which is mine. Great fun
Andrew Horncastle
I'm teaching more these days. Andrew was great fun to be with , as well as well as being receptive and enthusiastic....the prerequisite of learning ! I prefer one to one, but small groups are welcome. I also teach life drawing classes from the model , still life + landscape drawing .
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